Trusted by 83,000 Users Worldwide
Why VideoPlasty?
Drag & Drop Simplicity
Our items are pre-animated and ready to use, all you have to do is drag & drop them into your projects!
Most competitors spread their efforts over multiple stock categories. We focus 100% only on animation and provide world-class stock assets like nobody else out there!
Exclusive Content
All of our assets are built in-house by us to the highest standards. We do not have any contributors, so you won’t find our assets sold anywhere else online. Quality, not quantity!
Character Diversity
Unmatched diversity in character selection so you can find any character animation assets of any background for any project!
This is Our Story
Discover how and why we started on our mission to make professional animation easy, accessible and affordable to as many people as possible with drag & drop simplicity!
Popular Stock Animation
Free Stock Animation
Simple Pricing
Monthly Credits
Affordable plan with credits that rollover after each month. Perfect to get started with!
Unlimited Downloads
No more worries about credits or paying for each item. Plus, you help support our growth!
Our animation library works in any software you can think of!

And many more! Can't find the software that you use? Contact Support to check compatibility.
Simple Licensing
Unlimited Use License
Commercial Projects
Monetized YouTube Videos
No Attribution