Create Professional Animations in Final Cut Pro
Unleash your creativity with ready to use stock animation assets for all
your Final Cut Pro projects. Drag & drop
simplicity. No more
time wasted creating complex animations from scratch or hiring
expensive freelancers that don’t deliver.
Stock animation video assets compatible with:

* The stock animation provided by VideoPlasty is not endorsed in any way shape or form by Apple Final Cut Pro. They are simply stock animation video assets provided by an independent third party compatible with the Apple Final Cut Pro video editing software.
Drag & Drop Simplicity
Step 1
Find the right stock animation for your Final Cut Pro project
Step 2
Download the stock animation videos instantly
Step 3
Drag & drop to your Final Cut Pro timeline and press play!
Best Selling Stock Animation
Recently Added Stock Animation
Free Stock Animation
Watch Our Final Cut Pro Tutorial
Watch our free tutorial to see how easy it is to use our royalty-free stock animation to create amazing and professionally looking animations in Final Cut Pro with drag & drop simplicity
Simple Pricing
Monthly Credits
Affordable plan with credits that rollover after each month. Perfect to get started with!
Unlimited Downloads
No more worries about credits or paying for each item. Plus, you help support our growth!
Trusted By
Simple Licensing
Unlimited Use License
Commercial Projects
Monetized YouTube Videos
No Attribution